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Pulsar have launched two brand new models of thermal imaging riflescope in the Thermion brand, the 640x480 sub 25mk NETD Thermion 2 XP50 PRO and the 384x288 sub 25mk NETD Thermion 2 XQ50 PRO, both offer the same detection range of up to 1800m but one has a considerably higher price tag....we take a look at why and answer the question on everyones lips "What's the best Thermion 2 for me...the XP50 PRO or the XQ50 PRO?"

The Pulsar Thermion 2 XP50 and XQ50 were seriously impressive performers, but with advances in technology, Pulsar launched two new models with the PRO designation, which brought the latest low NETD thermal sensitivity sensor technology to the Thermion, with a staggering sub 25mk NETD. 

Now to most...this wont make any sense...but to explain we take a look at not only the difference with the latest sensitivity but also the differences in the Thermion 2 models, and whether you go for the big budget XP series or the mid range XQ series.

Pulsar Thermion 2 XP50 PRO 

The Thermion 2 XP50 PRO is also available with the letters "LRF" in the name, which designates an integrated laser rangefinder, the 'bulbous' part at the front lens, which houses a laser to rangefind in the field with the touch of a button.

With a 640x480 sensor, the XP50 PRO features the highest resolution currently available in a Pulsar product, but also features a LOWER magnification to the XQ50 PRO series. 

With sub 25mk NETD the XP50 PRO delivers truly breathtaking performance, with the ability to deliver a wide field of view on 2x base mag, but with up to 16x mag via digital zoom, the higher res sensor ensures the image doesnt pixelate as you mag up through the 2x-16x range.

Pulsar claim a detection range of up to 1800m, now this doesnt mean you can go shooting rabbits at over 1km, this means the scope will "detect" a man sized object at 1800m in ideal conditions, and will render a few pixels of heat on the display.  You wont be able to tell its a man...or bigfoot at that distance, but it will detect there is something there.

We talk about detection range, recognition range and identification range, and as a VERY rough rule of thumb it is often considered to divide it by 2.5 to get a rough idea of sensible ranges. 

So 1800m detection, 720m recognition (its a deer and not a vehicle) and 288m identification (i would place a shot accurately to humanely despatch)

Thermion Scope Image

Pulsar Thermion 2 XQ50 PRO 

The XQ50 PRO features a smaller sensor than the XP50 PRO, but still boasts the same detection range...and is a lot whats the deal here...

With a 384x288 sensor, the XQ50 PRO still will detect a man sized object in ideal conditions at 1800m, but the recognition and identification range can often be much less as the smaller sensor pixelates much quicker when zooming in, and doesnt offer the resolution of the larger 640x480 thermal sensor.

What the Thermion 2 XQ50 PRO does have over the XP50 PRO is a larger native base magnification of 3x which means you have a more "zoomed in" image with narrower field of view than the XP50, so the fox will appear slightly larger a target, albeit with less resolution and detail.

The issue with the smaller sensor is that the resolution is smaller than the XP50 PRO meaning the level of detail is considerably less, so that fox at 200m in the XP50 PRO is a defined fox, where as with the XQ50 PRO its not just quite as clear.

So what should i choose?

We deployed Danny to find out....and with the aid of The Night Vision Show we created this video guide on "Which Thermion 2 is right for me...and which should i choose"

Anyway the gloves are the red corner the Thermion 2 XP50 PRO and in the blue corner the Thermion 2 XQ50 PRO....FIGHT!

Check out the Pulsar Thermion 2 PRO Range